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May 19, 2020

Reopening Massachusetts with Confidence

Prepare for reopening, these new Mandatory Safety Standards will apply universally to all workplaces that are open in Phase 1

On May 18, 2020 Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito outlined reopening mandatory safety standards for non-essential businesses, in the “Reopening Massachusetts” website.

Manufacturing, construction and some health care activities are able to restart immediately, with corporate offices and other businesses allowed to open their doors May 25, all under tight restrictions.

All businesses and activities, as they reopen, must meet specific mandatory safety standards.  At Surfside Capital Advisors, we understand that managing Covid-19 reopening protocols can be a daunting task. We are here to guide you through a successful reopening.

Hygiene Protocols:

  • Provide hand washing capabilities throughout the workplace
  • Ensure frequent hand washing and ensure adequate supplies
  • Provide regular sanitization of high touch areas, such as workstations, equipment, screens, doorknobs, restrooms throughout work site

Social Distancing:

  • All persons, including employees, customers, and vendors should remain at least six feet apart to the greatest extent possible, both inside and outside workplaces
  • Establish protocols to ensure that employees can practice adequate social distancing
  • Provide signage for safe social distancing
  • Require face coverings or masks for all employees

Staffing and Operations:

  • Provide training for employees regarding the social distancing and hygiene protocols
  • Employees who are displaying COVID-19-like symptoms should not report to work
  • Establish a plan for employees getting ill from COVID-19 at work, and a return-to-work plan

Cleaning and Disinfecting:

  • Establish and maintain cleaning protocols specific to the business
  • When an active employee is diagnosed with COVID-19, cleaning and disinfecting must be performed
  • Disinfection of all common surfaces must take place at intervals appropriate to said workplace

All businesses must meet these requirements before reopening. Businesses operating to provide Essential Services, may remain open and have until May 25, 2020 to comply with these mandatory safety standards:

  • COVID-19 reopening protocol and control plan – The state has generated a template that satisfies the written control plan requirement for self-certification
  • Compliance attestation poster – Poster that customer facing businesses are required to print, sign, and post in an area within the business premises that is visible to workers and visitors
  • Employer and Worker posters – Posters that businesses can print and display within the business premises to describe the rules for maintaining social distancing, hygiene protocols, and cleaning and disinfecting

Sector Specific Best Practices and protocols for the following are currently available on the “Reopening Massachusetts” site:

May 18 Reopening

  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Places of Worship

May 25 Reopening

  • Offices spaces
  • Hair Salons and Barber shops
  • Car Washes
  • Pet Grooming

Additionally guidance from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs regarding recreation, including beaches, parks, mountain biking, and recreational boating was also posted

“Safer at Home” 

Employers are encouraged to continue remote work programs where appropriate, as everyone is safer at home.

If staying at home is not possible, general social guidance continues to be:

  • Cover your face — All residents are REQUIRED to cover their face when they cannot maintain six feet of social distance in public
  • Wash your hands
  • Socially distance
  • Be vigilant for symptoms
  • Stay home if you feel sick

We can help you prepare for reopening Contact us for more information.

To learn more:

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